Our Customer Testimonials

Accurate Price Quote and Outstanding Installation

The outer layer is very durable and the multi-layer installation has provided excellent insulation and has lowered our porch heating bill significantly. Thank you so much.

John Stone

Great Employees

We are very happy with our new roof. Thank you very much.

Graf Creamery

Great Company

Great company to work with! With excellent customer service and support.

Ray T

Great Fast Service

Henry is very honest and explains everything very well.

Karen Stoehr

Great Company

Offered a clear description of what was going to be done and charged a fair price. Great communication when things changed and was great at at returning phone calls. They showed up, took up only the space needed, and picked up after themselves- greatly appreciate that.

Rhinelander District Library

Very Easy To Deal With

I have spent nearly 25 years building houses and have never seen a more polite, professional roofing crew in all my years. Best clean up job I’ve ever seen on a roofing job. Thanks for the hard work.

Paul Crowley

Honest and Great Quality of Work

It was great to work with Henry. He responded to phone calls in a timely manner and his employees cleaned up the work area after they were done. Thanks again Henry.

Eileen Weller

Great Experience

Henry does exactly what he says he is going to do, works with integrity, is a very hard worker, and he gave me a good price.

Wayne B

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